Write a Place for the Pain (Digital)


This is a digital file, sent as a pdf.

Write a Place for the Pain is a little 29 page $6 digital zine about writing and being a writer. In particular it explores writing as desire, writing as breaking open, writing as pain, and writing as a way back to ourselves. It’s about why we long to write and why we don’t and why we do. It’s about writing as a practice of knowing, and healing, and moving through trauma. It is about choosing writing and the magic of claiming the title writer. Most of all it is an invitation to write, to find writing as your own, to meet yourself on the page. It includes creative writing, an excerpt from an essay, and a list of writing prompts to get you going.

From the introduction: “This is a collection of writing that connects writing to our bodies, to our experiences of pain and trauma, and to our desire to live and heal and create a more liveable world. Like all writing it is a magic spell. I am writing a place for the pain, and I am inviting you to do the same. May we be transformed by the work. May we be humbled by it. May we fall madly in love with writing. May we be brave enough to choose it.